Saturday 1 August 2015

Create a New Database User In Sql Server 2008 R2

     Wel-come again to all my blog reader,firs of all thanks for wonderful comments and reply and likes for my blog, i come with the new Post regarding sql sever new login or user creation,you can also refer thin link to view my another previous blog from here.

Create a New Database User

    Start with Sql Server 2008 R2, open sql server management studio and login using default user "Administrator" or "sa" login successfully on the left pan display the list of folder, you can select the folder "Security" and expand the folder to display sub folder the select the "Login" felder.

Right click on folder logins>>  select item "new Logins..."

after select new login option display the new window call "login-new",in this window contain the configuration settings for new user, first you can set the Login name for user and the select he authentication mode in this window display authentication mode with two radio button first one is 
"Windows authentication"  second one is  "Sql server authentication" you can choose what type of permission give you the login user, you can select he secod option "Sql server authentication"  then you need to password compulsory,after given password you can configure other options as per requirement. see the following image.....   

in this window left pan display the sub page for configure so you can select it one by one and configure as per your needs.

is start with second options first is already configure and explain, second option is "Server Role"in this option you can give the role of server user will act.

after set-up " Serve Role" next options is "User Mapping"  also you can set up in this step the user will access which database option on this user login.

after configure "User Mapping " you can go to "Securables" and configure it as per your needs.
after complete "Securables" go to the last step "Status" it's showing in image...

make sure in this page the permission is defult select with "Grant" and Login option is "Enabled",it is not checked the you can't login for the created user, so make sure this things and configure all the options properly.

i complete now for this post i hop every one who are the freshers on sql server 2008 R2 for help to learn how to create new user and configure the user, i come with another post next time ,now good day for learn.


Krunal Patel
(software developer)  

:-) :-)

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  1. nice thnkx it is very help for me thanx again krunal

  2. good one bro keep it up this is really help for me it's working fine

  3. very nice blog it's work good for me
