Wednesday 5 August 2015

Create a Database Backup in Sql Server 2008 R2

     hello everyone first of all thank you so much for the post comment and share my post with everyone,here i come with the new post Create a Database Backup in Sql Server 2008 R2, in this post i briefly explain the description of the creating  backup and store in particular location.

Create a Database Backup in Sql Server

     Starting with open the sql server management studio and login with the specific you user you want to use and the expand the database and select the database and right click on the database and navigate the "Task" and select the option "Back up..."

after completion this step the open the new window for backup configuration see like this..

- General configuration

- Options Configuration

 in this window here you can create or configure the backup for your database name "EMPDB" all the by default configuration is set,to see on above picture, you can configure all the option as per your needs, after configure all the option you can select or click on "Add" button to add the location you want to store the database backup file.

- add the location you want to store database backup file

in this window you can first select the file name radio button options and then  click on browse button to right side of the file name text box tor browse the local path of your system see on the next step, also second option is Backup Drive you have any Backup drive so you can select via drop down list text box.

in this step you can specify the selected folder path bottom of the window and files type and last name of file you want to create backup  then click on ok button to return on the select file name window here is the display the whole path with file name and file on ok button to return the main configuration window with display the path and file name.

select the check box left side of the path and then click on the OK button to view the progress of database backup on the window right bottom corner and display the message back up..created successfully.

Using Sql Query to create database Backup file

Open a new query window


BACKUP DATABASE [Database file Path] TO disk = 'Path to store backup file'


BACKUP DATABASE [E:\krunal\data\EMPDB.mdf] TO disk = 'E:\Krunal\data\backup\empdb.bak'

check the path you select the folder open file is create with extension of ".bak" here is i haver create backup file called "empdb.bak" is stored in ms sql server default Backup folder.

Also you can crate the Auto backup Schedule for your database, this facility provide in sql server 2008 R2 , i explain it on my up coming post.

here now i complete this post,i wish this post is help to learn everyone, any query or confusion regarding my post please send me mail or comment.


Kruna Patel
(Software Developer)

:-) :-)

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