Sunday 2 August 2020

Dot Net Developer Interview Question

In This blog i have to write the Most Ask interview Question for Dot Net Developer.

1)Tell me about yorself
2)current project description/flow
3)SDLC(Software,Development life cycle)
4)Design Pattern(creational(IOC,factory pattern,singleton),structural,behvioural)
5)Dependency Injection(IOC Pattern,DI principle, IOC Container)
6)SSIS(sql server Integrated services),SSAS(sql server Analytic services),SSRS(sql server Reporting services)(sql Server BI Studio to create project)
7)web services
8)web api/REST
9)WCF(webservies, Remoting, into one umbrala,support multiple proctocals HTTP,TCP,IPC,UDP..)
10)Unit Testing(AAA-Arrange,Act,Assert)/whitebox/Mstest project/Test Classes and Test Methods
11)Project Estimation(use Function Point)/Past Experience
12)Tickting tool(Scrum,Kanban)(JIRA,Service Now)
13)Mange Versioing (Team foundation,SVN,Source Safe)
14)Change set in Team foundation
15)how to deploy patch using TFS.(GIT hub Repository public)
16)Project task Estimation Techniques
17)BitBucket Repository(Private,public)
18)Microservices(it's Design pattern)
19)About Dot Net core

1)concepts of OOPS (Abstratction,Encapsulation,Polymorphism,Inharitance).
2)Diffrence between Abstratction vs Encapsulation.
3)Abstract class and Interface
4)Default access modifier of calss(Private)
5)Static keyword,static class, static constructor
6)without create object how to access the method(using static class,Inharitance)
7)managed and unmanged code/how to clear unmanged space(gc.collect)
8)overloading and overriding with example
9)Arry and Arrylist
10)virtual keyword and method/overried
11)sealde class
12)why multiple inharitance is not support in C#
13)Constructor and Distructor(~ befor name)
14)Shadowing(Method hiding)

ASP.NET and C#
1)Var and Dynamic keyword
2)Constant and Readonly
3)try,catch,finaly/Multiple catch
5)Gridview row color set as per condition(rowdatabound for loop and set row background and fore color)
6)ASP.Net Page life cycle
7)session mangement/varialble
8)Access modifier(public,Private,protected,Internal,Protected Internal)
9)Generic/Generic collaction/Hastable/Dictonary
11)OUT vs Ref parameters
12)ADO.Net object(Dataset,datareder,dataadpter,command)
13)IEnumarable(easy syntax) and IEnumarate(hold the current state)
15)typs of validation control(requiredfield,rangevalidatior,campare,custom,validtion summary)
16)exception Handaling
17)IEnurable and IQueryable
18)State Management in
19)Caching in
20)Authentication and Authorization
21) Page life cycle(initialization,loading,rendering,unloading)
22) page life cycle events
23)Session Maintenance Method(inproc[inMemeory],outproc[state server,sql server.custom])
24)Navigation Techniques in Asp.Net
25)Gridview Events

SQL Server
1)Stored Procdure and Function
2)sql injection
3)improve performance of SP/Query
4)sql profiler performance tuning 
5)Table variable(@)
6)Temporary and global Temporary table(#/##)
8)union/union all/intersect/minus
9)Triger(after and instedoff with DML)
11)Index(clusterd,non clusterd for faster retrive data)
12)primary key,unique key,forign key
14)Begin try,begin catch,begin Trans, rollback
15)Distinct,Group by and having,order by
16)view and secure view
17)second Highest salary
18)odd and even row find
19)find duplicate row and delete
20)Factorial number
22)Swapping a column values like ‘1 to 0’ and ‘0 to 1’ of a Table using SQL line query
23)Common Table Expression

1)Explain Model,view and controler
2)MVC page life cycle
3)Session mangement(Tempdata(Keep,Peek),viewdata,viewbag)(Tempdata read value in viwe one's it's clear)
4)Bundaling and minification
5)Attribute Routing
7)Scafolding(CURD-Create Update Read Delete)
9)Areas in MVC
10)Partial view
11)Layout page view
14)Validation in mvc(requiredfield,rangevalidatior,campare,custom,validtion summary)
15)exception Handaling(Dataannotation,Handelerror attribute,page.validate)
16)Action Result(12)
15)Action method()
16)anitiforgery token
17)execution sequence of Fileters
18)Antiforgery Token In ASP.NET MVC(for trusted user validation in request)
19)JWT Token based Authentication

1)Root element of DOM (root element is the <html> element)
2)Chaining(multiple event can be call on single go)
4)Cross-site Scripting (XSS) is a client-side code injection attack.
6)Arrow functions or fat arrow(=>) same as limda expression for single line scope statement

1)Jquery selector
2)Difference Between $ and $()
3)Jquery Ajax call syntax.
4)Event Handling in Jquery.

If any one have new question ask in recent interview comment here so i can include this in list to help other needy people

Thanks for contribution